Showing posts with label wall schemes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wall schemes. Show all posts

Light up your house - really cool wall painting ideas...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

wall painting ideas


Up until only a few years ago people would usually paint children's rooms, but this trend has crossed the border and entered directly into our living rooms, halls, bedrooms...
Walls are the largest area that you have so you can easily use them as an additional space for decoration.
It is not necessary to paint the entire wall, it is enough to refresh only part of the wall with certain detail and the entire space will become completely fresh and new.

wall painting ideasWith different wall illustrations and playful motifs you can separate or highlight some areas in the house.
Selecting the appropriate color and pattern you can provide the individuality and fashionable appearance with very little effort. The advantage is that you aren't limited with the color, size or pattern, and the result of the transformation could be really astonishing. There are few examples in the gallery, I like them very, very much. Check them out!

 wall painting ideaswall painting ideaswall painting ideaswall painting ideas
wall painting ideaswall painting ideaswall painting ideaswall painting ideas