DIY: Cute homemade bird feeders

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homemade bird feeders

Feeding garden birds can be a very enjoyable and rewarding activity. After all, what better reward is there than knowing that you helped these adorable little creatures to survive the winter. Your children or grandchildren can be entertained for free for hours, and in these gloomy times knowing you are helping out some of the most beautiful creatures Nature has given us can be uplifting.
Birds will discover your house quickly and consider it as a feeding place. Their frequency of visits will also increase helping you to stay close to nature.
And don't worry - birds aren't picky, they don't require something fancy to attract them to your yard or window. Homemade bird feeders are quite easy to make.You can build your bird feeder out of materials you have at home. These projects are easy to make and fun to do with kids. And will help you to get enjoyment from watching the wildlife spectacular in your own garden or backyard.

Homemade bird feeders
Transforming a small decorative pumpkin into a bird-feeder. 
Homemade bird feeders
vintage teacup bird feeder
Homemade bird feeders
Pinecone bird feeder 
Homemade bird feeders
Show them all your love - heart-shaped bird feeder by alphamon

Homemade bird feeders
milk carton becomes a bird house, lovely. 
Homemade bird feeders
glass bottle bird feeder
Homemade bird feeders
soda bottle and two wooden spoons. Can it be any easier?
Homemade bird feeders
acorn bird feeder 
Homemade bird feeders
straw star with nuts 


Winter white & icy cold

Friday, January 6, 2012

 via freshome

Wide use of LED lights, simple and strait lines and dominating white color gives this apartment an elegant, sleek and uncluttered look.
I absolutely adore two things regarding to this beautiful interior:
style mixing with retro chandelier and modern glass table and also this fur rug that seems so cozy and soft.
Despite the dark shades which brought a dose of contrast, this apartment is more or less likely to be the home of white queen from The Chronicles of Narnia.


Monthly wallpaper { January }

Monday, January 2, 2012

monthly wallpaper january

I decided to start putting a free desktop wallpaper at the beginning of each new month. So here comes the first of my desktop freebie designs. Hope you like it and see you next month with another wallpaper.
Instead of saying happy new year once and again, I'm going to quote one of my friends:

Wish you all a happy & prosperous, a rocking & rollicking and a super duper blockbuster 2012 ...may you hold on to your resolutions and all your problems find some solutions and you remain happy in all situations ...

1280x1024 / 1440x900 / 1600x1200 / 1680x1050 / 1920x1080 / 1920x1200 / iphone / ipad ]

Please do note that this wallpaper is for personal use only and can not be re-used for other purposes or uploaded to other sites claimed as your own work. You may share this but only with credit link to the my resource blog page, not the download file.